Apr 11, 2005

The truth comes out

In one of our recent IM conversations, Scott mentioned to me that Claire wasn't paid for. That's right people--Claire is 19 months old and has NOT been paid for. Who has time to write a check for $250 to the HMO when you're squeezing out a kid? Not me. During labor, a burrito from Chipoltle was first and foremost on my mind, NOT paying the HMO.

Somehow, magically, we escaped the hospital with Claire in tow. Claire, dressed to the nines in her "coming home" outfit, and me, in shorts and a t-shirt, sourcream from my much-lusted-over Chipoltle burrito on my upper lip. It was all good.

In between the two kids under 2, the aubundance of poopy diapers, and my hormones, we got a bill from the hospital--which we lost. So, Claire is unpaid for. She's on loan. A renter.

I just hope she's rent-to-own. I'd like to keep her. Now that we've named her and all, we find ourselves pretty attached to her.


Anonymous said...

Better watch out for the repo man.

Anonymous said...

Haha! Rent-to-own...nice. Oh and I am SO with you on Chipotle burritos, in fact that's what Jeff is bringing home for dinner!!

Anonymous said...

I totally prefer baja fresh to chipoltle though.

I think the return policy on babies is pretty limited. You're probably safe.

Kiley said...


stewbie2 said...

Well, if there's a knock on the door, and there's a guy out there with a carseat, I'm not answering.