Apr 11, 2005

And the Lord said, I will spare the loving mother from the shrill screams of the fruit of her womb.

No shots. Hallelujah and amen! Of course, there was the requisite head-measuring, weighing, and stretch-out-the-19-month-old-on-a-flat-tape-measure-so-we-can-see-how-tall-she-is, but really, it wasn't all that bad. He checked her hips and knees, since Claire's pigeon-toed (her left foot turns in). It's wicked adorable, but you know, I don't want her to be 25 and pigeon-toed. Everything's fine. In fact, the doctor said "her folds" line up--meaning the creases that her fat rolls on her legs leave line up with each other. What the hell kind of medical procedure is that?

"Is her heart okay, doctor?"
"Why yes, the creases left in her thighs by the twinkie-deposits line up asymetrically, she'll live a long and happy life."

Last time I checked, the creases in my thighs didn't mean shit. Except for the fact that I'm not pigeon-toed, obviously.

In the true practice of making smaller-than-normal children, my nineteen-month old is 24 pounds and 31 inches tall. Which is nearly spot-on with her sister, who was 25 lbs and 32 inches tall at 19 months. If Claire's anything like Jenna, she should stop growing around the age of 2.5. Jenna's nearly three, and has been wearing size 24mths shorts forever now. In fact, yesterday, I dug out the box-o-clothes and unpacked all of Jenna's summer clothes from last year--they still fit her.


Robin said...

Glad to hear no shots. Did Claire stil get mystery meat?

I'm the mommy of alittle peanut, too. Chloe's 23 months, and weighs only 25 lbs. I'm not sure if I am worried, or jealous...

stewbie2 said...

Oh yes, I rewarded her with a hot dog. The darn thing was nearly as big as her, but she carried it around, happily.

Anonymous said...

Jules is a peanut too, 31" and 23 lbs at 18 months. We just grow em petite.