Apr 24, 2005

Sunday night lights

It's Sunday night, it's 745pm, and I'm at the office. Why, you ask? For two reasons: 1. To get some work done that absolutely HAS to be done by tomorrow, and since I'm not going to be here tomorrow, well... 2. To take a break. 3. To chill out. Wait a minute, that's 3 reasons. So sue me.

I'm having a total "bi-polar" moment/day//week, and as fabulous as I have been at hiding it from everyone I know and love, I'm about to commence "Project Major Spin," so I thought it would be wise to escape for a bit.
To work.
At my office.

What's wrong with this picture?!

So anyways, here I sit, contemplating suicide by Purell Hand Sanitizer, which would be good, since it "Kills 99.9% of germs"; or by stabbing myself repeatedly with my medium, round-stic, grip Bic ballpoint (in green). My desk scissors are entirely too dull to get the job done, the stapler's just a dumb idea; and even if I kept my office door shut and colored my dry-erase board solid, I know I'd just end up skipping around the building in my panties with a crown of shredded documentation on my head, rather than dying from dry-erase-board-marker-fume-inhalation.

I'm laughing at myself. I'm not sure if it's because I think I'm funny, or if it's because I'm insane.


Steve said...

Stephanie, I just got home recently and thought I would make my rounds! What I know is that all of us understand the bipolar blues. If there is one thing I have learned it that "this too shall pass." May not make things better in the moment, but hang around a little while and do some breathing exercises. Remember those? You practiced them in birthing class prior to your kids being born.
Seriously, quiet breathing often does help.

DBFrank said...

If you can still laugh at yourself, then I'm pretty sure you are not insane...
The rest of the world may be, but you seem okay. :)

Kim said...

I love purell. My hubby told me last week that he thinks death by drowning must be the most peaceful way to die on earth, !!!, which doesn't say too much about what it must be like to be alive and live in our house. I think purell death would be better.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're doin better today babe. Personally, I think purell death might be the most peaceful of those options.

Robin said...

Don't do it! Don't do it! Stay with us!

Porkchop said...

I will try every. Single. One. Of Those Deaths Tomorrow. Which gives me plenty of time to go to my co-workers houses tonight and kill them all. For what they put me through today.

Anyone have ideas how to make, oh, say, twenty deaths look accidental?

Kiley said...

Hope you get to feeling better...stay out of the office, it sounds like a "dangerous place" indeed. ;-)