Jan 5, 2005

Looking back...and forward

Looking back over the past year, I can't believe how blessed our family has been. We have house to keep us sheltered, food to feed us, and love to keep us warm. Seeing the girls grow up so beautifully has been, and is, an awesome experience. There is not a moment of the day that I'm not reminded of them--it could be a smell, a sound, or just something small that catches my eye. They are everywhere with me. They are so embedded in my heart, that with each beat of mine, I feel that it's a beat of theirs as well.

Where we are now

We are at such a tough point with Jenna. She's learning so much, and is accelerating so fast, that it's hard to keep up with her. She's so emotional, dramatic, clever, and sassy. To my chagrin, she's exactly like I was as a child. She is so entirely difficult to discipline--it's not that she doesn't listen, but that she will fight you the entire time. She is strong-willed and able to demand attention so easily. Even when we do our best to ignore her, you can't. Her presence is like a beacon; it shines so very brightly, that it's impossible to ignore. It's a gift--the way she is. She is spirited, and so beautiful in her energy. I have never seen a child like her before. She can be so loving and gentle, but so defiant and crazed. It's amazing. She makes me smile, not only across my face, but in my heart. She carries on conversations with me that should not be possible for a 3-year old to have. I am amazed with every curl of her sweet head; every lash lining those entrancing eyes...I love her like mad. I love the way her perfect cupid's bow dances above her laughter, I love the way she carries such an enchanting inflection in her speech. I love her fingers, her toes, her ears. I love that she often thinks the freckle on her finger is dirt, and how her brow furrows in her perplexity as she tries to scrub it off. I love how we share the same birthmark--same shape, same place. A mark that, for me, shows that she was meant to be my daughter, and I, her mother. Oh, sassy-pants-princess, I am forever grateful that my prayers were answered in you!

Now, onto my wee one...

Clairey, Clairey, Clairey...where shall I begin with you? Your laughing eyes? Your chubby little piggies? You, my precious baby girl, are as difficult to describe in words as your big sister. You are my beautiful little baby doll, my precious boo-boo magoo, my little pumpshkin. I love the twinkle of your laugh, the teasing in your eyes, and those babydoll teeth that we see so often in your gorgeous smile. You are so possessive of me, baby. You MUST have your mommy, and you don't let anything stand in your way--be it Jenna, OR daddy. You grab my leg, and loudly yell (in your adorable, raspy voice), "Miiine! My! Mine!" At night when I put you to bed, you grab my neck tightly, wrapping your little arms around my neck, and grit your teeth--trying to hold on to me as best you can. I literally have to pry you off of me, just to get you in your crib. You stand up in your crib, jumping, yelling, "Mamamamamamama!" and screaming as loud as you can. It's difficult to hear, but all you want is for me to hold you. I know this because 8 out of 10 times, I find myself reaching for you in the warm glow of your nightlight, just so I can calm your cries, wipe your tears, and feel your soft breath on my cheek. I'm such a pushover, and I have a feeling you know it. Clairey, you're also quite the smartypants. I love to give you extended directions, then watch in amazement as you carry it out to perfection. The other day, I said, "Claire, go get the sock you dropped in the kitchen. It's by your little kitchen, under your chair, on the floor. Go get it and bring it back to me, please." Obediently, you walked into the kitchen, went to your play kitchen, moved your chair, picked up the sock, and brought it back. You just love it when I give you a job to do. You clap for yourself, while we clap for you. Bunny, you are so affectionate, and so openly loving. You kiss me, Jenna, and daddy constantly, and when we're lucky, it's followed by a sweet, "I luh ooo." Those are the most precious words a mother's ears can ever hear. I love you, too.

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