Jun 20, 2005

Monday already?

Why do weekend go by SO quickly, yet weekdays go on forever?

Although quick, we had a great weekend. Despite the temperamental outburst of evil from Jenna on Saturday. At the pool. The big, crowded, public pool. The outburst which involved her yelling things like, "I PROMISE I'll be a good girl!" and "No, mommy, NO!!!" and my favorite: "DON'T HURT ME!!!" CPS, anyone? All this, while I'm holding her and walking back into the gym--from the FAR side of the pool. The embarassment factor, on a scale of 1 to 10, was very close to 8. We ended up having to leave, because Big Evil would just NOT stop screaming. She screamed from the time we left the lounge chairs, all by the poolside, through the indoor-pool area, in the family changing room, throught the gym reception area, through the parking lot, and 5 miles home. Then she pretended to be asleep. EVIL comes in such small packages.

Scott and I called reinforcements (Gamma), and dropped off the girls over there, wherein they immediately became mesmerized by Gamma's charm and acted like complete angels. The best part of it all?? THEY SPENT THE NIGHT. The WHOLE night. Wait, I want to make sure you understand: We were completely childless from 5pm on Saturday, until noon on Sunday. OH, the things that took place in this house because the children weren't here to bother us!! There was SLEEP! Yes, sleep. Get your minds out of the gutter, people. We were TIRED (from all the other things we did because the kids weren't home to bother us...). But there was SLEEP! There was sleep until NINE-THIRTY a.m.! We had to go pick them up, eventually, but that's okay.


DBFrank said...

Silence is golden..glad you two got some 'alone' time!

Robin said...

Sounds like paradise!