Jun 27, 2005

I don't know why, he swallowed a fly...I guess he'll die

My neighbor ate a fly. A LIVE fly. Off of a fork (which was good manners).

But it was coated in German chocolate cake.

Does that make it okay?


I warn all of you--if you ever meet a large, beasty man named "Chad," stay away. He may be the fly-swallowing guy. I mean, Lord, what is this going to lead to?! We all know how it goes: first it's a fly, then it goes to a spider, then a bird, and sweet Jesus, before you know it, he's trying to swallow a random cat. Then it goes on to the dog and the hog and the horse, and mixed in there somewhere is dying. YES. DYING.

You swallowed a FLY, Chad. YOU'RE GOING TO DIE. That's too bad. I really enjoy being your neighbor.

In retrospect, what a stupid-ass fly. I mean, come on. I actually scooped the fly off the cake with a fork, and it sat there. It had to be handicapped or something.

Chad, you ate a HANDICAPPED fly. Shit. Not only are you going to die, but you're going to HELL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I mean, come on. I actually scooped the fly off the cake with a fork, and it sat there."

That would make you the enabler...

This persecution of me and my Darwinist brotheren must stop!

The Fly Eater