Mar 24, 2005

Please drown me

People, people, people...I have come upon Death and looked it straight in the eyes. It came upon so unexpectedly, that I didn't have time to run. Then, it grasped me in a terrifying grip of torture and kept me there, petrified, unable to move. Death, as it seems, came in the form of a movie. A movie titled, "Open Water."

Everybody do yourselves a big favor, and don't waste your hard-earned money renting this total piece of crap movie. How, HOW can I send my husband to the video store with EXPLICIT instructions on what movie to rent and he comes home with THIS garbage?! It's insane. Really, it is. I said, "Rent 'Finding Neverland', please." Is that so hard to understand? His excuse was that they were all rented out. OKaaayy, so bring home a movie worthy of my time. It's not like they're even in the same genre for God's sake. that was up for Best Film of the Year, or movie that appears it was filmed with a handheld camcorder? Hard decision, I know.

Anyways, "Open Water" was an indie film. These people are independent for a reason, baby. They suck. It was, without a doubt, the worst movie I've ever, ever seen. Worse than "The Spanish Prisoner," and even worse than "Elephant Parts." The storyline, or lack thereof, is that these two scuba divers get left in the ocean. What a gripping tale of fear! Hardly. First off, it took 45 minutes just to get to the diving part. Before that, I was just bombarded with shitty acting, horrible filming, and--get this--a gratuitious nakie scene. WHY? Why the nakie scene? It was so random, like the director just thought, "Hmmmm...what shall we do here? Have them talk, nonsensically, for a couple of minutes, or...HEY! I got it! Let's get the chick naked!"

This whole time, I was completely mesmerized by this film. It's horrible. It's like looking at a deadly accident and not being able to turn away.


Anonymous said...

I agree that the movie sucked big time, especially with her ugly boobs filling up the frame of the camera, but since it was based on a true story, it does freak me out a bit when they kept getting bumped by the sharks and it would wake them up and then they look under the water and there are like 50 of them swimming around. What I dont understand is why the hell didnt they get up on that buoy, especailly after he got bit??

Kiley said...

Uhh...I haven't seen this movie before, but I definitely have no urge to see it now. It almost sounds like the feeling I got when I accidentally watched the movie "Lost in Space". I am a HUGE Gary Oldman fan, but I nearly wanted him euthanized for having stooped low enough to be in the film after just 20 minutes in...they had to have the gratuitoud nonsense crap it in as well. WTF do these people (directors, etc.) when they put this stuff on film?!?!?