I hopped on my computer and positioned my fingers to start typing. Then i wondered, "What the hell am I supposed to type?" "Cat face swollen as fuck." "Cat swollen lymph nodes." "Cat Strep Throat." I just gave up. I decided he had a goiter. I was calling him "goiter cat" all night. I don't even know what the hell a goiter is, except that old people get them, and they look like you probably stink when you have them. Is "goiter" even a "them," or is it an "it?" See? Told you I don't know.
Anyways, Goiter Cat is all better this morning. Which is good, because since he has no hair, it looked like he had a big, hairless ballsack under his chin. "Ballsack Cat" has a nice ring to it.
Maybe he injured himself while "teat suckling" -- maybe? Glad to hear he is better.
spider bite.
Ballsack Cat.... oh my word, Steph, you need to consider a career in comedy. I'd pay to hear you, LOL!
Maybe I'd even pay to see the cat...
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