Mar 13, 2008

A wish for my children

To my children:

Of course, I wish happiness and love in your life. More than that, I wish that you never ever have a job wherein you have to attend 12 meetings in one week and listen to stupid bullshit like "economic icons," "client direction," "compliance," and "template." If you do, I will pay you to quit your job, and you can live with me until you find something to do where you can actually use the brain that God gave you.

Meanwhile, I'll just sit here and stare blankly at this presentation and listen to the droning voice of someone over my speakerphone.

Love you bunches,


Redroach said...

Damn, that sounds like a fun job !!!!!

Glad to find another Houston area blogger. Stay tuned, I will be back


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I am not the only one who's mind drifts to this during meeting. Let's all stop and have an OE moment (Operational Excellence). Yeah! Group hug!