Mar 15, 2006


Topics of the day: Stuffy noses. Itchy, watery eyes. Annoying fricking gnat-like fruity-fly thingies. "Mom, you can just go to hell." "Keeping it real."

Let's start at the top, shall we? (If anyone wants to get some cheese, I'm about to bring on the whine.)

My nose is all stuffy. Wahhh! It's that annoying stuffy nose where it's stuffy, but it keeps running. How is that possible? I'm about to just shove Kleenex (see? With the proper brand-capitalization even)up my nostrils just to save myself the time of continually wiping my nose, which is sure to result in some form of carpal tunnel syndrome in my wiping hand and already, a very red nose. Let's just add the watery eyes to the mix. Yay. I feel like ass.

Topic 2: Annoying fricking gnat-like fruity-fly thingies. They are all in my office. There is no rotting fruit here. There is no NOT rotting fuit here. There is me. And I am not rotting either. There is no reason for these flies. There are 2 live plants. One, I have already taken home, because it was surrounded by fruit-fly corpses, and I thought surely, SURELY, this plant was the bearer of the fruit flies. But no, the plant was my friend. It was the MURDERER of these obnoxious bastards. The other plant is going home with me today, and if the flies are still here, don't be surprised to see the 6-ft. tall banana tree outlined with chalk on the front walk. Oh yea, it's going DOWN. Excuse me, whilst I pick a fruit fly out of my teeth...

Topic 3: "Mom, you can go to hell." Funny, she's only four, but has already mastered the "go to hell" look. See for yourself:

She's a professional. I have so much to look forward to.

Topic 4: "Keeping it real." This, my friends, is the slang word of the day. Keep it real; keeping it real 1. to tell the truth 2: to behave in an unaffected manner, as true to one's personality rather than putting on airs or acting like someone else. Even though we were in the midst of renovating the kitchen, Punkin continued to keep it real by shoving her catnip mice-stash under the stove.


CameraDawktor said...

Have you ever tried a perscription nasal spray for the nose stuff, if it's allergies, it even helps with the eyes. Just started mine the other day and it help ALOT in 25 hrs. I use Nasarel but there is also Flonase. Sometimes you can just call your dr. and describe the prblm, ask and not even go in. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Just have to say I love your word of the day and its meaning.

n/a said...

The gnat things might be from houseplants. This comes up in my office sometimes.

CameraDawktor said...

Hope your allergies are feeling better.