Oct 5, 2004

Pinto beans and pigs

Oh, the wonderful world of gymnastics! Jenna's first gymnastics class was on Saturday the 2nd. I have to admit, I was a tad worried. I mean, I doubt Cypress Academy has ever had the gates of hell opened during preschool tumbling. However, she shocked me and behaved rather well. Watching her was just wonderful. Her teeny-tinyness in that sparkly leotard. Her butt is so small--like two little pinto beans in a leotard. Stinking adorable. I wanted to jump right out of the parents' area, and bite that little pinto-bean butt. However, I was unable to accomplish that feat because Her Royal Highness, Princess Clairey was too busy trying to walk around the gym. Every time I picked her up, she'd shriek like a teradactyl and people would cover their heads and duck--afraid of the impending attack of a prehistoric bird. As soon as I'd set her down, she'd make a sprint for the floor beam then look back at me and flash a huge grin. I could see in her eyes, she was thinking, "Ha ha! Look at me mom, I'm breaking all the rules and laws of the gym! I'm drooling on a beam, I'm on the floor and I'm not supposed to be, and the worst of all: I'm wearing my street shoes on the spring floor! Bwahahaha!" Oh yes, she's a lawbreaker--she's got her mommy's nature. Speaking of my Boo-boo Magoo, she's such a charmer. She has this thing with shoes (ah yes, definitely my child), where they all must be in her mouth. "Shoes! Yes! To my mouth they must go!" Either that, or she has one on her right hand and crawls around with it. If anyone is missing a shoe, all we have to do is go to Clairey's room--it will be there. She also loves her toes. She likes to bite mine, but she likes to suck on hers. We're always saying, "Claire! Quit eating your pigs at the table!" or "Who has stinky pigs? Clairey does!" Cutie pie pig-eater.

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