Jan 27, 2006

New York Religion

In Texas, there is a pretty wide-range of religions. There are Baptists, then there are Korean-Baptists, then the Chinese-Baptists, and the Southern-Baptists. It's all very diverse. With all these churches, comes the sign out front. And with the sign, is usually the topic of this Sunday's sermon, or "message." You know, the "message"...things such as, "Living your best life with the Lord," or "Do you know Jesus?" or "What Would Jesus Do for Dinner?"

New York has diverse religions, too--at least in Brooklyn, because in Brooklyn, you have Catholics and Lutherans. It's crazy insane. And the churches in New York all have their church signs, too, and they even have messages! Messages! On the church signs! Good messages, like, "The Problem with Meat." OH yes.

Exhibit A:

I mean, it was a Lutheran church, so if it was, "The Problem with Catholics," I'd understand. But MEAT? Do Lutherans have that much of an issue with meat, that they have to have an entire SERMON on it? A sermon on the "problem" with meat. How, exactly, is this meat problematic for the Lutherans? Really, enquiring minds want to know. I just may attend Lutheran church on Sunday, just to find out if meat really is a problem.

Maybe it's just a "Vegan Lutheran" church.


Anonymous said...

Well I'm Lutheran, and I've got no problem with meat. Maybe it was symbolism? Or maybe it was just a Brooklyn thing.

Amy said...

Did you go to the service? Just wondering if the meat curiousity got the best of you! Hehehe - that sounds dirty.

Anonymous said...

We all know that, deep down, she really went to NYC to check out the local sausage...

Anonymous said...

what kind of sausage are you talking about, the other white meat? She needed a little spice in her life, the boyfriend must not be good enough....