Mar 1, 2013

Getting a new set (FBtF)

WOOHOO!! In just a short while, I will be on my way to the hospital for my LAST surgery!! That's right, ladies and gents--i'm gettin' me a new set!

I cannot tell you in words how happy/excited/thrilled I am to get these ever-lovin' tissue expanders out of my chest. Even last night, as I was trying to get comfortable in my nest 'o pillows and the left one was killing me, I kept saying, "One more night, one more night..." as my go-to-sleep mantra. You never know how much you'll miss pliable, squishy boobies until you don't have 'em.

I'm seriously sitting here, trying to think of one positive about these rocks on my chest....I got nothing. They're awful. Well...I guess they gave my body some shape over the past 2 months. There. That's all you're getting. They suck. The end.

The nurses told me I had to wear a button-down shirt (I may be too sore to lift my arms after this), so I opted for my sock monkey pajama shirt. I'm getting new boobies. I can do whatever the heck I want.

The surgery is at 9am--please send prayers/good thoughts/vibes that 1) The surgeon has skilled hands 2) That everything goes smoothly and as planned 3) And most importantly to me, that I wake up outta this mess feeling good enough that I can go see my Munch in "Annie" tonight!! Yes, the plan is to have this surgery and then go to the theatre tonight. 


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